


‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.’ – Proverbs 31:8-9

Engaging in advocacy is a way of acting on behalf of justice and of participating in the transformation of the world. Espousing the cause of the most vulnerable in society, being a prophetic voice speaking out against injustice and promoting more just social structures lies at the heart of the Christian moral and ethical tradition (Edmund Rice International 2018).

There are many ways in which we can use our voices to speak out with and on behalf of those in desperate need who for one reason or another aren’t being heard:

  • Write to your local mayor, state and/or federal MP about the issue.
  • Speak to your family about what you’re learning in class.
  • Spend an hour a week of screen time researching an issue and make a presentation to the class, year group or school assembly.
  • Challenge stereotypes when you hear them in the playground, in class or at home.
  • Use Social Media to highlight what’s happening in Australia and overseas. Make sure to focus on the solutions as well as the challenges of, poverty, healthcare, education etc.
  • Choose one fundraising idea and make it happen at your school.

Share the Journey

In 2018 Catholic Mission encourages us to join Pope Francis’s global campaign to support refugees and migrants around the world. This campaign, to Share the Journey, promotes a culture of encounter with the aim of increasing the spaces and opportunities for "strangers" and communities to come together and learn about each other.

If you would like to see an example of how YOU could be involved in the “Share the Journey” campaign click here

End Child Detention Coalition Australia

In keeping with these messages from Pope Francis, Catholic Mission also supports the work of the End Child Detention Coalition Australia. Click here to find out more.

The crisis facing the Rohingya peoples

You may also have heard or read about the problems facing the Rohingya people of Myanmar. You can read Myanmar Cardinal Bo’s explanation of this complex issue here

Advocate for the rights of people and our natural world in the Asia-Pacific region, especially the Philippines

Catholic Mission also continues to advocate for the rights of people and our natural world in the Asia-Pacific region, especially the Philippines, where mining is a major cause of displacement of peoples and destruction of their homes and environment.

Click here to find out more and urge Australian mining companies to protect the human rights and natural environments of the local communities.